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Contact info

Looking forward to your contact!

Guangdong Maydos Building Materials Limited Company.
Address: Zhenxing Road No.11, Lunjiao, Shunde, Foshan, Guangdong Province, China.

Tel: 0086-757-27339931 27332103

Fax: 0086-757-27339097
Facebook: Maydos Chemical
Youtube: Maydos Building Materials

Mr.Kevin Huang

Director of Overseas Department


Mr.Gary Zhang

Regional head of East Africa

Mr.Frank Wen

Regional head of South Asia

Mr.Neo Song

Regional head of West and North Africa

Mr.Jason Cen

Regional head of South America

Ms. Cathy Wang

Regional head of Middle East

Ms.Summer Chiu

Regional head of Southeast Asia

Ms.Sophya Pan

Regional head of Central Asia